Casting, Machining & Foundry Services Backed By ISO Quality Standards
At Farrar Corporation, we take pride in delivering quality American manufacturing with unbeatable customer service. From pattern-making to turnkey assembly and every step in between, we have over 85 years of innovative experience in producing ductile iron castings for some of the most advanced industrial applications in the world.
Both our foundry and CNC machining facilities are certified to the latest ISO 9001:2015 quality standards. All of our casting shipments are certified for physical properties, chemistry and microstructure. All castings are traceable to date of origin by date code for streamlined quality assurance and accountability.

Equipment Lists
Foundry & Heat Treating
- 1-Bruker Magellan Spectrometer
- 1-Spectrol Lab M11 Spectrometer
- 1-United LCH-60-SC Tensile Test Machine
- 1-United SFM-1500KN Tensile Test Machine
- 1-Detroit DLC-3100 Hardness Tester
- 1-United TRU-Blue 11 Hardness Tester
- 1-Olympus GX51 Microscope
Machine Shop
- 1-30″ x 26″ x 20″ Brown & Sharpe MicroXcel CMM
- 1-30″ x 20″ x 20″ Zeiss Gagemax Navigator CMM
- 2-20″ x 36″ x 16″ G&L Discovery
Certification Links:
(Click the links below to view our certifications.)